About us
North American sinks
European sinks
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AFA Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd. has been manufacturing full range kitchen sinks and accessories since 1993. At present, our production facilities occupy the area of 26,000 square meters equipped with the latest technology and machinery on the market. A focus on high quality, state-of-the-art products coupled with attention to distributor and customer needs, has led to the expansion of yet another high-end manufacturing facility. This new facility will become home to 150 new employees and will include the latest in production machinery for kitchen sinks. This new area of expansion, which is currently under construction, will span over 15,000 square meters totaling a production area of 41,000 square meters.

The combined yearly output for these two facilities is currently estimated at 400,000 kitchen sinks.

AFA Sinkware is your North American link to these leading edge products and services.

AFA has a team of over 20 highly skilled engineers and industrial designers with the sole focus of developing and producing state-of-the art designs.  Our latest models represent new and cutting edge technology which is used in the production of our kitchen sinks. In 2000, AFA joined the ISO group, successfully obtaining ISO 9000 standards for quality management.  In addition, we obtained ISO1 4000 standards for environmental management, which represents our contribution to the preservation of the environment. AFA has adopted a recycling program which ensures that no raw materials are left unused or they are sent back to a raw material manufacturer for recycling.

AFA Kitchen Ware Co. Ltd. sells its products through the distribution channels of the international markets. Current market research demonstrates that products are widely in demand in the USA, Canada, Australia, China, Europe and the Middle East.

In 2008 AFA opened a division in Alberta, Canada operating under the name AFA Sinkware Canada.  Our company exclusively services customers and distributors throughout North America including Canada and the USA. With great expectations, our two year business plan forecasts the launch of divisions in Australia and Europe.  This is based on increasing demand for our product line and services in these areas.

Our goal is to become recognized world wide for our brand quality, innovation, customer satisfaction and commitment to the environment. 

We are looking forward to becoming the number one choice for quality kitchen and bathroom sinks.